
{ header }

\n {copy\n ?

{ copy }

\n : null\n }\n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default SubHero\n","import * as React from \"react\"\nimport { Link } from \"gatsby\"\n\nimport Button from '../Button';\n\n\n//
\n// \n//

\n// Content Creation\n//


\n// From written articles to marketing images we work with you .\n//

\n// \n//

\n// Mobile Applications\n//


\n// Dedicated solutions for mobile devices. Custom designed to work on mobile devices.\n//

\n\nconst Services = () => {\n const [slide, setSlide] = React.useState(0);\n\n return (\n

Our Services

\n \n

\n Web Development\n


\n A place for your business to live online. Beautiful, functional sites uniquely designed for your brand.\n

\n \n

\n App Development\n


\n For complex functional needs. Database driven and optimized from design to the code to be effcient.\n

\n \n

\n Mobile Applications\n


\n Dedicated solutions for mobile devices. Custom designed to work on mobile devices.\n

\n \n

\n Content Marketing\n


\n Reach new users with handwritten content designed to get clicks.\n

\n \n

\n Social Media Marketing\n


\n Build communities with bespoke strategies across social channels.\n

\n )\n}\n\nexport default Services\n","import * as React from \"react\"\nimport { Link, graphql } from \"gatsby\"\n\nimport Bio from \"../../components/bio\"\nimport Layout from \"../../components/layout\"\nimport Seo from \"../../components/seo\"\nimport Button from '../../components/Button'\n\nimport SubHero from \"../../components/SubHero\"\nimport Services from \"../../components/home/Services\"\nimport Work from \"../../components/home/Work\"\nimport Blog from \"../../components/home/Blog\"\nimport Process from \"../../components/home/Process\"\n\nconst BlogIndex = ({ data, location }) => {\n const siteTitle = data.site.siteMetadata?.title || `Title`\n const posts = data.allMarkdownRemark.nodes\n\n return (\n \n \n \n

Content and Social Media Marketing Manager


Position Type: Part Time (Contractor)


Compensation: $25/hr


Location: Remote (Illinois)


Total Web Connections is looking for a motivated individual to join our team as a content and Social Media\n Manager. Your role will be to create our content schedule for a variety of web properties, as well as create content for, and manage,\n our social media presence.\n


Job Duties

  • - Provide ideas for articles and written content.
  • \n
  • - Develop social media and content marketing strategies.
  • \n
  • - Create and post social media content across multiple channels
  • \n
  • - Evaluate progress and provide updates
  • \n
  • - Brainstorm new content marketing oppurtunies
  • \n
  • - Work with our team to implement stratgies
  • \n

The ideal canidate is a self-starter and eager to learn. We are ideally looking for someone with some prior social \n media experience, personal or professional, and a willingness to learn. If you have any SEO experience that's a plus, but not required.\n


Note that this is a part time, contract position to start. Anticipated workload is about 10 hours per week to start, with room to grow from there. This is a remote position with occasional in person meetings (no more than 1-2 times per month if that).


To Apply, email us at info@totalwebconnections and attach your resume.

\n\n \n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default BlogIndex\n\nexport const pageQuery = graphql`\n query {\n site {\n siteMetadata {\n title\n }\n }\n allMarkdownRemark(sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }) {\n nodes {\n excerpt\n fields {\n slug\n }\n frontmatter {\n date(formatString: \"MMMM DD, YYYY\")\n title\n description\n }\n }\n }\n }\n`\n"],"names":["header","copy","className","React","class","data","location","siteTitle","site","siteMetadata","title","allMarkdownRemark","nodes","href"],"sourceRoot":""}